lunedì 8 febbraio 2010

OCTNOV2010 (fiche d'inscription)

« Cette fiche n'est pas sélective mais existe pour permettre une bonne organisation et une mise en ligne des projets de chacun sur un blog.
Elle servira également à faire connaitre votre profil et votre projet à Frédérique, co-directrice d'Emmetrop (friche culturelle de Bourges), partenaire potentiel et indispensable à la réalisation de ce projet. »

- NOM :
- TEL :

- Démarche artistique personnel :
- Décrire vos envies et vos attentes pour le projet (Artistique, Transport, Technique ….) :
- Dans le cadre de la restitution du projet « Rencontre de l'INVENDU, de l'INVENDABLE et du PAS ENCORE VENDU », inscrire votre ou vos liens internet où il est possible de voir des vidéos et/ou photos de votre travail artistique (ces liens vers les vidéos sont important pour que Frédérique -Co-directrice d'EMMETROP- est un regard sur les pratiques artistiques des personnes du projet, c'est une demande de sa part):

- Vous pouvez ajouter une photo qui sera utilisé pour votre projet dans le blog

A renvoyer :
de préférence par mail à Emilia TAU:
ou par courrier à - FAAAC 5 rue de l'abbaye 36400 LA CHATRE -

Retour des fiches avant le 13 mai
Fiches à envoyer en français et en anglais


« This file is not to make a selection, but to permit a good organisation and to put in the blog each one's projects.

It will be also used to inform Frédérique, co-director of Emmetrop (cultural space in Bourges/France), about you and your project, maybe he will be a very important partner of the project.»

- Name:
- First name:
- Phone:
- Email:

- Personnel artistic experiences :
- Write what do you aspect and your needs for the project (Artistic, Transport, Technique ….) :
- For the reconstitution of the project named « Rencontre de l'INVENDU, de l'INVENDABLE et du PAS ENCORE VENDU » please write here below your Internet address of web page's where it is possible to see some videos or/and photos of your artistic work:

- The links to the videos are very important for Frédérique(Co-director of EMMETROP) so she can see some of your personnel work, he needs this information.

Resend the inscription to :

- e-mail - Emilia TAU or

- FAAAC 5 rue de l'abbaye 36400 LA CHATRE - France


Please send the file in english and french

1 commento:

  1. - Name: da Silva Martins
    - First name: Juliana
    - Phone: +34 671163086 / +351 968418878
    - Email:

    - Personnel artistic experiences : Numbers creation in Trapeze and with Silks, gathering theatre, aerial skills and singing. Performer, dancer and aerial acrobat with Spanish theatre companies as Samarkanda Teatro, Karlik Danza-Teatro and Al-Suroeste S.L., Animasur, Animacción Sevilla. Assistant-director and production of theatre circus play "Ferdinand Personne" about Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Teacher in circus workshops for children, in tissue and trapeze workshops for adults. Stilts in shows, events, happenings, parades. Cultural animator.

    - Write what do you expect and your needs for the project (Artistic, Transport, Technique ….) : I expect to gather with artists from different areas to communicate, to create synergies and investigate in common. For that I believe it's important to set points of gathering and invest in common, even if it's for a few days, one day, one week. I am looking for places in Portugal as cultural centers, squads, rooms, rural houses in order to promote this artistic reunions to investigate together and with invited artists from these areas in Portugal. I plan to do the project on bicycle moving and travelling through rural areas and stopping in places that I mentioned before to get together with other artists from the project. So for the needs, in this moment I'm self-managing ;)

    My objectives for the project in Portugal are:

    Meet, communicate, learn, connect with people living in Portuguese rural areas, colect oral portuguese tradiciones as songs, story tells, legends, proverbs;
    Integrate, investigate, apply this material in my personal artistic research and create performance using the words, the emotions, the colors, the images gathered in the process of travelling and meeting people in Portuguese countryside
    Exchange experiences and research with other artists from the project in Portugal
    Organize spaces in Portugal for collective research, artistic investigation like cultural centers, squads, associations,...
    Organize meeting with all participants in the project for exchanging and presenting ideas, performances, whatever that each one discovered and developed trough those 45 days in Portugal
